A) The categories are: name and address (= Krystal Allen, 14 Tonbridge Road, ME16 8RP MaidStone), greetings (= Dear Sir or Madam), introduction (= I am writing in response to your job annoucement for an attendant in your service station), personal presentation (= I am 16 years old and a student at MaIdtone High), motivation (= I am interested in this job because I love cars and I would really love to nearn more about mechanics), qualities (= I like being in contact with customers so I think I would be great for the job), greetings (= Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely,) and signature (K. Allen)

B) Krystal live in Tonbridge Road, Maidstone.
She is 16 years old.
Her school is called Maidstone High
She wants to work at a service station
She likes car and being in contact with customers.

C) Samir lives in Colbourne Terrace Street in Swansea
He is 16 years old.
He wants to work at a zoo.
He loves animals and looking after them.

Personality adjectives

Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende
Image sans légende


How to describe an image

In EnglishIn French
In the backgroundA l’arrière paln
In the foregroundAu premier plan
In the middle / in the centreAu milieu / au centre
At the topEn haut
At the bottomEn bas
In front ofDevant / en face
In the backDerrière
Next to A côté de
On the rightA droite
On the left A gauche
In the top left-hand cornerEn haut à gauche
In the bottom right-hand cornerEn bas à droite

On this photo, I can see the British Royal family. Harry and Meghan are in the centre. There are six children on the left. The Queen is next to Prince Philip, and in front of Prince Charles. Prince William is behind his wife and daughter….

Talking about families

A) father / son / sister / brothers /mother / younger brother / son / brother / sister / son

Father in lawMother in law
Twin brotherTwin sister
Half brotherHalf sister

Exprimer la possession

a) Prince William’s wife
b) The boy’s shoes
c) The window of the classroom
d) Catherine’s daughter is Charlotte
e) Prince Harry is Queen Elizabeth’s grandson

Le génitif / le vocabulaire de la famile: practice

Who is Louis?

He is Kate and William’s son
He is George’s brother
He is Diana’s grandson
He is Harry and Meghan’s nephew

Who is Queen Elizabeth?

She is Diana’s mother in law
She is William’s grandmother
She is Philip’s wife
She is Anne’s mother

Who is Princess Beatrice?

She is Harry’s cousin
She is Andrew’s daughter
She is Eugenie’s sister
She is Charles’ niece

Who is Prince Harry?

He is Elizabeth’s grandson
He is Meghan’s husband
He is Archie’s father
He is Charlotte’s uncle

Who is Prince Archie?

He is George’s cousin
He is Meghan’s son
He is William’s nephew
He is Diana’s grandson

Lesson 1: what is climate change?

You were right, the answer was « Climate Change »!

Watch the video from the beginning to 1:38 to answer the questions.
Listen to the video and complete the text

When we use a ……………., the engine (= moteur) makes a gaz called ………… The …………….. comes out of the exhaust pipe (= pot d’échappement) and floats up into the …………….. Because lots of people use cars, lots of CO2 is going up into the air. When we leave the ……………. or the ……………. on, that uses …………….. The electricity comes from a power station and that makes lots of CO2. Aeroplanes make even more CO2 than cars. There is so much CO2 in the air that it’s covering us like a big blanket (= couverture). This blanket of CO2 can make the air too …………….. This is called Climate Change.

Sometimes, the heat (= chaleur) causes drought, when there is not enough rain and all the plants …………….. Sometimes, the hot air makes great big storms called …………….. Storm makes big waves that smash up coral reefs (= récifs coralliens). The heat can warm up (= réchauffer) the sea, causing the corals to lose their ……………. and die, and the ……………. to go away.

Match the words to the images. Words in italic are in the video

global warming – storm – pollution – drought – greenhouse effect – power station – smoke – traffic jam

Watch the video from 1:53 to 2:12, what can you do to make less CO2?

Presenting a film: final task

After watching one of the films from the list, complete this document!

………………………………………. is an …………………………………….. film starring……………………………………... It was directed by …………………………………….. and released …………………………………….. It lasts ……………………………………..

………………………………………. is set in ……………………………………….. It is the story of …………………………………………………………………….. who ……………………………………….. The film shows ………………………………………………………………………………..

The main character is …..…………………………………….………………………………... He has ……………………………….…………………………………….……. He wears ……………………………………..…………………………………….

…………………………………………………… seems ….……………………………………..………………………………….. In the movie, he is ….……………………………………..…………………………………. He also appears ……………………………………………..…………………..…………………………….

I think …………………….………..…….…………..…….……………………………………………. The topic ………………………………….……...…….……………..…….……………………….. The film shows ………………………….……………….……………………………………… I liked / enjoyed ………………………………….…….………….…….………………… I disliked / did not enjoy ……………………………………..…..…….……..…….………………… My favorite scene is …………………………………………..…….…………………………………………………………………...

Presenting a film part 3: giving opinions

Critic #1: I think this film is very moving. The topic seems sad, as it deals with cancer and death. But in fact, the film is mostly about fulfilling one’s dreams. It also shows the importance of friends and family. My favorite scene is when Edward Cole meets his grand daughter. However, I think it is not true to life, because in real life, a bilionnaire would never share his hospital room with someone.

Critic #2: I did not enjoy this film. I think the story is not realistic. The beginning was quite boring, it takes a lot of time before they finally start their bucket list. I did not like the scenes that take place at the hospital. Moreover, I prefer funnier films.

Presenting a film part 2: Describing the main character(s)

Physical description

The character is quite old. He has short hair. He wears a suit (shirt, jacket and tie).

The character is old. He has short gray hair. He wears work overalls.

Emotional description

The character seems worried. In the movie, he is gentle and smart. He also appears to be shy and polite.

The character looks quite sad on this picture. In the movie, he is dynamic and opulent.

Activity: describe the following characters

Presenting a film part 1: introducing the film and its plot

Introduce the film

Rob Reiner (director), 2007. US. 93 min

The Bucket List is an American comedy-drama film starring Morgan FREEMAN and Jack NICHOLSON. It was directed by Rob Reiner and released in 2007 (two thousand and seven). It lasts about 1 hour and a half.

Activity 1: introduce these films

Anthony and Joe Russo, 2019. US. 181 min

Chris Columbus, 2001. US and UK. 152 min.

What is the film about?

The Bucket List is set in the USA. It is the story of Carter Chambers, a mechanic, and Edward Cole, a billionaire who both fight cancer. They meet at the hospital and eventually become friends. The film shows how they decide to live their last months of life.

Activity 3: write 2 to 3 sentences about each film

Le genitif / le vocabulaire de la famille: practice


Who is Louis?

He is Kate and William’s ………………………………………………………………………………….
He is George’s ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
He is Diana’s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
He is Harry and Meghan’s ………………………………………………………………………………..

Who is Queen Elizabeth?

She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to Diana)
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(to William)
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to Philip)
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to Anne)

Who is Princess Beatrice?

She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to Harry)
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(to Andrew)
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(to Eugenie)
She …………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to Charles)

Who is Prince Harry?

He …………………………………………………………………………………………………..(to Elizabeth)
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(to Meghan)
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to Archie)
He …………………………………………………………………………………………………..(to Charlotte)

Who is Prince Archie?

He …………………………………………………………………………………………………..(to George)
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………(to Meghan)
He …………………………………………………………………………………………………….(to William)
He ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..(to Diana)

Exprimer la possession

Prince William’s mother is Lady Diana Spencer.
Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip’s son.
Prince Harry’s wife is the former actress Meghan Markle.
Prince William will become the new King of the United Kingdom, because he his Prince Charles’ first son.

Quel est le point commun entre ces phrases?

-> la présence ‘s qui permet d’exprimer la possession


A recopier ou imprimer et coller dans le cahier.

Pour exprimer une relation de possession, on utilise le génitif.

Possesseur singulier

Le possesseur est placé le premier, il est suivi de ’S et le deuxième nom perd son article.
Ex: Prince William’s mother = la mère du prince William

Possesseur pluriel

Le nom est simplement suivi d’une apostrophe après le S du pluriel.
Ex: the babiesfather = le père des bébés

Cas particulier : Charles’ first son = le premier fils de Charles

Le génitif ne s’emploie généralement qu’avec les noms d’êtres vivants, de groupes, d’organismes, d’institutions, de pays…
Ex : Britain’s government = le gouvernement britannique

Pour des possesseurs « objets » la possession se marque par of
Ex : the door of the garage = la porte du garage

Time to pratice: translate into English

a) La femme du Prince William
b) Les chaussures du garçon
c) La fenêtre de la salle de classe
d) La fille de Catherine est Charlotte
e) Le Prince Harry est le petit fils de la Reine Elizatbeth

Talking about families

Prince William Duke Of Cambridge was born on June 21, 1982, in London.
His father Prince Charles of Wales was born in 1948 in London. Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip‘s son. Charles has a sister, Princess Anne, and two brothers, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.
Prince William’s mother, Lady Diana Spencer, was born on 1 July 1961 in Sandringham. Prince Charles and Lady Diana divorced in 1996. She died in a car crash in Paris in 1997. Prince Charles is now married to Camila Parker-Bowles, the Duchess of Cornwall.
Prince William has a younger brother, Prince Henry “Harry” of Wales, who was born in 1984 in London. Prince Harry‘s wife is the former actress Meghan Markle. The couple is known as The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. They have a son, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor.
Prince William studied at St Andrew’s University, in Scotland. There, he met Kate Middleton. She became his girlfriend, and they got married in 2011. She is now called Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.
Catherine has a brother, James Middleton, and a sister, Phillippa “Pippa” Middleton.
Their first baby was born in 2013. His name is Prince George of Cambridge. The second “royal baby”, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, was born in 2015. Their first baby was born in 2013. His name is Prince George of Cambridge. The second “royal baby”, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, was born in 2015. The third child is Prince Louis of Cambridge, born in 2018
One day, Prince William will become the new King of the United Kingdom, because he his Prince Charles‘ first son.

A) In this text, underline, highlight or copy down every word referring to a family relationship.

B) Match the masculine words to their feminine equivalents
sister / cousin / mother / mother in law / grandmother / granddaughter / half sister / wife / niece / daughter / stepmother / twin sister / aunt /

Father in law
Twin brother
Half brother

C) Now using the text, draw Prince William’s family tree! (this is just an example, you are free add / remove boxes)

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